Implementing the Builder Design Pattern Using .NET and C#

Simplifying Object Construction with the Builder Design Pattern in C#

Abdelmajid BACO
3 min readJan 3, 2023
Photo by Aedrian on Unsplash

The builder pattern is a design pattern that allows you to create complex objects by specifying their components step by step.

Here is an example of how you might use the Builder Pattern class:

// Builder interface
public interface IHtmlBuilder
void AddHeading(string heading);
void AddParagraph(string paragraph);
void AddLineBreak();
string Build();

// Concrete builder
public class HtmlBuilder : IHtmlBuilder
private readonly string _rootName;
private readonly HtmlElement _root = new HtmlElement();
public HtmlBuilder(string rootName)
_rootName = rootName;
_root.Name = rootName;

public void AddHeading(string heading)
var element = new HtmlElement {Name = "h1", Text = heading};
public void AddParagraph(string paragraph)
var element = new HtmlElement {Name = "p", Text = paragraph};
public void AddLineBreak()
var element = new HtmlElement {Name = "br"};
public string Build()
return _root.ToString();

// Element
public class HtmlElement
public string Name, Text;
public List<HtmlElement> Elements = new List<HtmlElement>();
private const int _indentSize = 2;

public override string ToString()
var sb = new StringBuilder();
var i = new string(' ', _indentSize);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Text))
sb.Append(new string(' ', _indentSize * 2));

foreach (var htmlElement in Elements)

return sb.ToString();

// Client
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var htmlBuilder = new HtmlBuilder("html");
htmlBuilder.AddHeading("Hello World!");
htmlBuilder.AddParagraph("This is a simple HTML document.");
htmlBuilder.AddParagraph("It only has a few elements.");
var html = htmlBuilder.Build();
// output
Hello World!
This is a simple HTML document.
It only has a few elements.

This code defines a class in C# that implements the Builder design pattern to create HTML documents.

The class, called HtmlBuilder, implements the IHtmlBuilder interface, which specifies the methods that the HtmlBuilder should have. These methods, such as AddHeading, AddParagraph, and AddLineBreak, are used to add various elements to the HTML document being constructed. The Build method returns the html element as a string by calling its ToString method.

The HtmlBuilder class has a private field, called root, which is an instance of the HtmlElement class and represents the complex element of the HTML being constructed.

In the Main, an instance of HtmlBuilder is created with a root element of “html”. Elements are then added to the HTML document using the methods of the IHtmlBuilder interface.

Finally, the Build method is called to get the final HTML document as a string.


The builder pattern can be used to simplify the process of creating complex objects such as an Email, a web page, a database record, or any other type of object with multiple parts.



Abdelmajid BACO

Senior Full Stack .Net / Angular Developer, Cloud & Azure DevOps, Carrier Manager, Husband, and Father.